
Specialising in architecture, urban planning and interior design, the BFF… architecture studio has the in-house departments needed to cover all phases of a project, from planning to completion.

Our architectural approach is to develop projects that are both expressive and functional, conveying a strong image with which users can identify.

Creating quality of life, innovation and original programming approaches, BFF…‘s signature lies in its sustainable architecture. Sensitive to the (ecological) footprint left by our projects on the environment and society, we are constantly reinforcing the skills of our employees in the field of sustainable development and supporting any socially responsible approach.


35, rue du Père Raphaël
L-2413 Luxembourg
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+352 26 36 46-1
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Managed by 6 partners (Tom Beiler, Mathias Fritsch, Yvonne Kunath, Alexandre Urosevic, Alvaro Marigliani and Sigitas Banys), the international and multicultural BFF… team comprises 61 professionals: architects, interior designers, urban planners, engineers, technicians, drafters… backed up by an administrative support team.

Whether experienced professionals or recent graduates, it is the innovative spirit, technical skills and professionalism of our talents that characterise our strength and contribute to the success of our projects.

The structure we have created responds to developments in our business and is supported by an in-house training plan and research workshops that enable us to stay at the forefront of developments and organise “think tanks” to respond to changes in the market, in order to adapt the skills of our team to the needs of a project.

the associates

the team